How Long Does a Car Seat Last After Manufacture Date
Your car seat expiration date is important because it tells you when you should stop using your seat. Another reason it matters, is that materials break down over time, which directly affects how safe your seat is for your child. In this article, I'll show you how to find the expiration date on your child's car seat so that you can make sure your child is as safe as can be while out and about. Do you want to know what else is affected by your expiration date so you can better understand why it's so important? See more reasons here: What do car seat expiration dates mean?
1. Expiration date if you have a BRITAX CAR SEAT manufactured JUNE 2010 ORAFTER:
- Infant car seatsexpires 6 years after the date of manufacture.
- Convertible car seats (excluding the Classic line) will expire in 7 years after the date of manufacture.
- ClickTight Convertible car seatsexpires 10 years after the date of manufacture.
- Harness-2-Booster seatswill expire 9 years after the date of manufacture..
- One4Life All-in-Oneseats will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture.
2. Expiration date if you have a BRITAX CAR SEAT manufacturedPRIOR TO JUNE 2010
- The service life for Britax infant car seats (including the base), older infant/child car seats, youth seats, and belt-positioning booster seats prior to June 2010 is6 years from the date of manufacture.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for BRITAX car seats:
3. Expiration date if you have a CHICCO CAR SEAT:
- Convertible Car Seat: 8-year lifespan from the date of manufacture. The expiration date is found on the white label on the underside of the car seat.
- Infant Car Seat: A 6 year expiration means that you can use it longer, so the seat can be passed down through several babies. The expiration date and date of manufacture are printed on a sticker on the top of the base (see picture below) and on the bottom of the car seat itself. — However, sometimes the base and the seat itself will have different manufacture dates. This just means that they weren't manufactured together but were packaged together at a later date.
- MyFit Harness + Booster: 8-year lifespan from the date of manufacture. Therefore, make sure to check the manufacturer's label on the underside of seat for a "Do Not Use After" date.
- KidFit Belt-Position Booster Seat:10-year lifespan from the date of manufacture so make sure to check the manufacturer's label on the underside of seat for a "Do Not Use After" date.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for CHICCO car seats:
4. Expiration date if you have a BABY JOGGER CAR SEAT:
- CityGO Infant Car Seat: This seat's manufacture date is found underneath your child's seat. On the registration card, you'll see a "Do not use 7 years after the manufacture date", making it very clear when to stop using the seat.
- CityView All-in-One Car Seat: The date of manufacture and "Do not use after" date will be indicated on the attached registration card, and the manufacture date (DOM) is also found on the backside of your seat. Typically, your seat will expire 10 years after the DOM.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for BABY JOGGER car seats:
5. Expiration date if you have an UPPABABY CAR SEAT:
- Mesa Infant Seat: The car seat will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture and the expiration label is located at the bottom of both the carrier and base.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for UPPABABY car seats:

6. Expiration date if you have a NUNA car seat:
- Infant Car Seat (Pipa Series) : The expiration date will be visible in three places: Firstly, at the back of the seat shell. Secondly, on the base itself. And thirdly, in your user manual. The Pipa Series can be used for up to 7 years after the date of manufacture.
- Convertible Car Seat (Rava) : The Rava car seat expires 10 years after the date of manufacture. Also, the label is found on the bottom of your car seat.
- Harness to Booster Car Seat (Aace): The Aace expires within 10 years of the date of manufacture. Its label can also be found on the bottom of your seat.
- All-in-One Car Seat (Exec) : The label will be found on the bottom of your seat. The Exec will expire 10 years after the date of manufacture. In many cases, however, this is the only seat you will ever need!
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for NUNA car seats:

7. Expiration date if you have a GRACO Car Seat:
- Infant Car Seats: The seat will expire 7 years after the date of manufacture on the label and the date label can be found on the back of the seat.
- Convertible Car Seats: The expiration date for convertible car seats is 10 years after the date of manufacture. Convertible car seats expire 10 years after the date of manufacture. In addition, the date label is found on the back of your car seat.
- All-in-One Car Seats: These seats need to be tossed and their use discontinued 10 years after the date of manufacture. The label can also be found on the back of the seat.
- Harness Boosters: Discontinue use and toss this seat 10 years after the manufacture date listed on the back of the seat, because it will be expired.
- Belt-Positioning Booster Seats: These seats expire 10 years after the manufacture date listed on the label that is affixed to the back of the seat.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label might look like for GRACO car seats:
8. Expiration date if you have a Baby Trend Car Seat:
- For all Baby Trend car seats, your date of manufacture label will be located under your car seat.
- Infant car seat with base : Stop using this seat within 6 years of the date of manufacture (DOM).
- PROtect Convertible: Your seat will expire 7 years after the DOM.
- Trooper 3 -in- 1 Convertible : This seat will expire 7 years after the DOM.
- Hybrid (Stage 1 & 2) : Do no use this seat 6 years after the DOM.
- Hybrid Backless Booster : This seat will expire 10 years after the DOM.
- Yumi Booster & Yumi 2-1 : Toss this car seat 9 years after the DOM because it will be expired.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for BABY TREND car seats:
9. Expiration date if you have a CYBEX car seat:
- Infant Car Seat : The seat will expire in 6 years and the expiration label is located under the seat.
- Convertible Car Seat : The Sirona M will expire after 8 years, whereas the Sirona S will expire in 10 years.
- Booster Car Seat : These seats will expire in 10 years and the label can also be found under the seat.
10. Expiration date if you have a EVENFLO Car Seat:
- Infant Car Seat : These will expire in 6 years. The label can be found on the backside of your seat, as well as underneath.
- Convertible Car Seat : These will expire in 6-10 years depending on the exact model, so make sure you check your user manual and the label on the backside or under your seat.
- All-in-One Car Seat : These will expire in 10 years. The label is found both on the backside and under your seat.
- Booster Car Seat : These seats will expire in 6-10 years and so make sure you check the label on the backside of your seat or the user manual.
Here are some examples of what the expiration date label may look like for EVENFLO car seats:
11. Expiration date if your car seat brand is NOT MENTIONED above:
If your car seat brand is not listed above, look for the date of manufacture sticker on other parts of your seat. Your car seat manual is a good place to start. Other places could be:
- Under the seat itself
- At the back of the seat, behind the headrest
- Under some fabric
If you discover that your car seat is expired, make sure you use an AUTHORIZED car seat retailer, and not just look for a good deal online because there are imitation car seats out there (scary, we know), just like anything else, and it is NOT what you want for your child. In fact, in the event of an auto accident, your child must rely on the integrity of their car seat to protect their bodies from the crash forces. Many vendors now sell directly to Amazon, which is very convenient if you don't live near a retailer, or if you prefer to shop from home.
Want to learn more about WHY car seats expire so that you can better protect your child? Read our blog below!
What do Car Seat Expiration Dates Mean?
Is you car seat expired or close to expiring and now you need a new one? Here are some helpful articles to empower you when choosing your next seat because parents should feel good about their gear and know what they are buying!
- What's the difference between all the Graco convertible seats?
- Baby Logic's TOP 7 BEST infant seats.
- Baby Logic's TOP 7 BEST convertible seats.
- What is a Doona car seat?
- What's the difference between all the Britax rear-facing infant seats?
Founder of Baby Logic. Mom Blogger. Child Passenger Safety Technician. Pediatric and Webster Pregnancy Certified Chiropractor. Mom of 3 Boys.
How Long Does a Car Seat Last After Manufacture Date