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Unscrupulous Definition in a Sentence

Synonym: corrupt, criminal, crooked, dishonest, fraudulent, unprincipled. Antonym: scrupulous. Similar words: scrupulous, scruple, unscramble, inscrutable, sedulous, querulous, nebulous, fabulous. Meaning: adj. without scruples or principles.

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1. Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.

2. These kids are being exploited by very unscrupulous people.

3. It was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold evidence.

4. You always take part with the unscrupulous man.

5. Unfortunately, she fell victim to an unscrupulous landlord.

6. He was utterly unscrupulous in his dealings with rival firms.

7. The unscrupulous cadre was severely punished for making away with the wealth of the state at will.

8. These men were simply the dupes of their unscrupulous leaders.

9. The new law will be a charter for unscrupulous financial advisers.

10. There are some unscrupulous characters out there.

11. It's an unscrupulous way of exploitative discounting.

12. That Captain's a mighty unscrupulous man.

13. He was sometimes taken in by unscrupulous petitioners.

14. Now unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials are destroying forests at the rate of 50 million acres a year.

15. An unscrupulous programmer could write an ActiveX program designed to erase a hard drive or deposit a virus.

16. My father had fallen victim to an unscrupulous garage proprietor.

17. On the pitch they were easy targets for unscrupulous defenders and were frequently cautioned for retaliatory violence.

18. But sometimes unscrupulous leaders added coins to the money supply by minting new coins that contained less gold and silver.

19. Love is vulnerable to being abused by unscrupulous people who lie, cheat,[ ] betray and hate in the name of love. Dr T.P.Chia

20. Acheman is preening and unscrupulous, willing to sacrifice truth for a Pulitzer Prize.

21. Deceived by unscrupulous men, he vouched for the authenticity of that wretched diamond mine.

22. In his desire for power, he has become thoroughly unscrupulous.

23. What can be done to protect the ordinary consumer from unscrupulous service operators?

24. Although only fifteen at the time of his father's death he soon showed himself to be a cunning and unscrupulous politician.

25. Isn't it time we did something to protect the elderly from unscrupulous business people?

26. As an attractive young heiress Karen might quickly become the target of unscrupulous bounty hunters.

27. Morgan admitted that some of his actions may have been unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.

28. The world belongs to the cunning, and fortune drops like golden apples into the laps of the unscrupulous.

29. He deplored previous scandalous seizures of public funds by unscrupulous individuals and politicians.

30. Police warn about con-trick builders POLICE are warning people to beware of unscrupulous workmen after a pensioner was swindled.

1. Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.

2. It was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold evidence.

3. You always take part with the unscrupulous man.

4. The unscrupulous cadre was severely punished for making away with the wealth of the state at will.

More similar words: scrupulous, scruple, unscramble, inscrutable, sedulous, querulous, nebulous, fabulous, credulous, garrulous, incredulous, tremulous, ridiculous, edentulous, meticulous, incredulously, tremulously, fantabulous, meticulously, miraculously, unscathed, scrub, unscientific, inscribe, scrunch, conscript, pull out, scrutiny, transcript, transcribe.

Unscrupulous Definition in a Sentence
